
Peer-reviewed articles

  • 2024 Robu M., Marom N., Mirea I.-C., Faur L.-M. Petculescu A., Kenesz M., Shafir R., Égüez N., Constantin S. Intraguild interactions among carnivorans of the last glacial: The case of wolves and bears from Muierilor Cave, Romania. Quaternary Science Reviews, 334, 108720
  • 2024 Yravedra, J., Courtenay, Ll.A., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, M., Reinoso-Gordo, J.F., Saarinen, J., Égüez, N., et al. Not seen before. Unveiling depositional context and Mammuthus meridionalis exploitation at Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, southern Iberia) through taphonomy and microstratigraphy. Quaternary Science Reviews 329, 108561
  • 2024 Tomé L., Iriarte E., Blanco-González A., Jambrina-Enríquez M., Égüez N., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Mallol C. Searching for traces of human activity in earthen floor sequences: high-resolution geoarchaeological analyses at an Early Iron Age village in Central Iberia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 161, 105897
  • 2024 Fernández-Palacios E., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Gilson, S.P., Égüez N., Jambrina-Enríquez M., Santana, J., Mallol C. Distinguishing between sheep and goat in archaeological fumiers through faecal lipid biomarkers: The case of Belmaco Cave (Canary Islands, Spain). Quaternary International, 683-684: 135-144 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2023.08.
  • 2024 Pescini V., Carbonell A., Colominas L., Égüez N., Mayoral A., Palet J.M. Neolithic livestock practices in high mountain areas: A multi-proxy study of pastoral enclosures of Molleres II (Eastern Pyrenees). Quaternary International, 683-684:104-122
  • 2023 Fernández-Palacios E., Jambrina-Enríquez M., Mentzer S. M., Rodríguez de Vera C., Dinckal A., Égüez N., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Mederos J. F. N., Salas E. M., Miller C. E., Mallol C. Reconstructing formation processes at the Canary Islands indigenous site of Belmaco Cave (La Palma, Spain) through a multiproxy geoarchaeological approach. Geoarchaeology 38(6):713-739
  • 2023 Lian H., Égüez N., Chen M., et al. Life near the water: Geoarchaeological investigation of site formation processes and occupation patterns at the near-bank mound of Liangzhu City, China. Geoarchaeology 38(3): 268-292
  • 2022 Égüez N., Mallol C., Makarewicz C.A. n-Alkanes and their carbon isotopes (δ13C) reveal seasonal foddering and long-term corralling of pastoralist livestock in eastern Mongolia. Journal of Archaeological Science 147, 105666
  • 2022 Tomé L., Jambrina-Enríquez M., Égüez N. et al. Fuel sources, natural vegetation and subsistence at a high-altitude aboriginal settlement in Tenerife, Canary Islands: Microcontextual geoarchaeological data from Roques de García Rockshelter. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 14, 195
  • 2022 Houle, J-H., Seitsonen, O., Égüez, N., Broderick, L.G., García-Granero, J.J., Bayarsaikhan, J. Resilient herders: A deeply stratified multiperiod habitation site in northwestern Mongolia. Archaeological Research in Asia, 30, 100371
  • 2022 Lazagabaster, I.A., Égüez, N., Ullman, M., Porat, R., Wachtel, I., Davidovich, U., Marom, N. Cave paleozoology in the Judean Desert: assembling records of Holocene wild mammal communities. Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(4): 651-663
  • 2022 Carballo-Pérez, J., Moreno, J., Torres, O., Vidal-Matutano, P., Égüez, N., Conesa, F.C., Brigui, F. Ocupación y movilidad de las sociedades agropastoriles de alta montaña: una propuesta de estudio etnoarqueológico en el Jbel Sirwa (Anti-Atlas, Marruecos). Tabona, 22:243-257.
  • 2021 Seitsonen O., Égüez N. Here be reindeer: Geoarchaeological approaches to the transspecies lifeworlds of the Sámi reindeer herder camps on the tundra. In: Materiality and Objects: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Archaeologial Material and Contexts. Iskos 24
  • 2021 Daura, J., Sanz, M., Demuro, M., Arnold, L.J., Costa, A.M., Moreno, J., Freitas, M.C., Lopes, V., Égüez, N., Hoffmann, D.L., Benson, A., Cabanes, D., García-Targa, J., Fullola, J.M. A new chronological framework and site formation history for Cova del Gegant (Barcelona): Implications for Neanderthal and Anatomically Modern Human occupation of NE Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 270, 107141
  • 2020 Sanz, M., Daura, J., Cabanes, D., Égüez, N., Carrancho, A., Badal, E., Souto, P., Rodrigues, F., Zilhao, J. Early evidence of fire in south-western Europe: the Acheulean site of Gruta da Aroeira (Torres Novas, Portugal). Scientific Reports 10, 12053
  • 2020 Égüez, N., Dal Corso, M., Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Delpino, C., Tarantino, M., Biagetti, S. A pilot geo-ethnoarchaeological study of dung deposits from pastoral rock shelters in the Monti Sibillini (central Italy).  Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12, 114
  • 2019 Sanchis A., Real, C., Sauqué, V., Núñez-Lahuerta, C., Égüez, N., Tormo, C., Pérez-Ripoll, M., Carrión-Marco, Y., Duarte, E., De la Rasilla, M., Neanderthal and carnivore activities at Llonin Cave, Asturias, Northern Iberian Peninsula: faunal study of Mousterian levels (MIS 3). Comptes rendus Palevol. 18(1):113-141
  • 2018 Égüez, N., Makarewicz, C.A., Carbon isotope ratios of plant n-alkanes and microstratigraphy analyses of dung accumulations in a pastoral nomadic winter campsite (Eastern Mongolia). Ethnoarchaeology. Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies, 10(2):141-158
  • 2018 Égüez, N., Zerboni, A., Biagetti, S., Microstratigraphic analysis on a modern central Saharan pastoral campsite. Ovicaprine pellets and stabling floors as ethnographic and archaeological referential data. Quaternary International 483:180-193
  • 2017 Sanz, M., Daura, J., Égüez, N., Cabanes, D., On the track of anthropogenic activity in carnivore dens: Altered combustion structures in Cova del Gegant (NE Iberian Peninsula). Quaternary International 437(B):102-114
  • 2016 Sanz, M., Daura, J., Égüez, N., Brugal, J.P., Not only hyenids: A multi-scale analysis of Upper Pleistocene carnivore coprolites in Cova del Coll Verdaguer (NE Iberian Peninsula). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 443, 1:249-262
  • 2016 Driscoll, K., Alcaina, J., Égüez, N., Mangado, X., Fullola, J.M., Tejero, J.M., Trampled under foot: a quartz and chert human trampling experiment at the Cova del Parco rock shelter, Spain. Quaternary International 424:130-142
  • 2016 Égüez, N., Mallol, C., Martín-Socas, D. et al. Radiometric dates and micromorphological evidence for synchronous domestic activity and sheep penning in a Neolithic cave: Cueva de El Toro (Málaga, Antequera, Spain). Archaeol Anthropol Sci 8:107–123

Chapters in collective volumes

  • 2022 Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Pescini, V.; Mayoral, A.; Égüez, N.; Aliende, P.; Palet, J. M. Rere les passes de la transhumància a l’antiguitat: arqueologia d’alta muntanya al massís de Puigpedrós i a la vall del Duran (la Cerdanya). II Congrés de Transhumància i Camins Ramaders. Transhumància: activitat ancestral i eina de desenvolupament territorial, Amposta.
  • 2017 Brönnimann, D., Pümpin, C., Ismail-Meyer, K., Rentzel, P., Égüez, N. Excrements of omnivores and carnivores. In: Nicosia, C. & Stoops, G. (eds.) Archaeological soil and sediment micromorphology. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK: 67-81
  • 2016 Duarte, C., Égüez, N.,Gutiérrez, M., Pérez, A., The application of micromorphology on Holocene anthropogenic deposits in the Iberian Peninsula: current knowledge and future perspectives, in: Coelho, I. P.; Torres, J. B.; Gil, L. S; Ramos, T. (coord.), Entre ciência e cultura: Da interdisciplinaridade à transversalidade da arqueologia. Actas das VIII Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  • 2015 Mangado, X., Sánchez de la Torre, M., Tejero, J-M., Égüez, N., Garcia-Argüdo G., Pérez-Parque, O., Fullola, J.M., Petit, M.a., Bartrolí, R., Darreres aportacions al coneixement del Paleolític superior final al vessant sud dels Pirineus occidentals catalans: la transició entre el Magdalenià superior i el Magdalenià mitjà a la Cova del Parco (Alòs de Balaguer, la Noguera). Primeres Jornades D’arqueologia I Paleontologia De Ponent. Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain